If you are buying you will need the following: (If they apply to you)
- Last 30 days pay-stubs
- W2's for the last 2 years
- If Self-employed Last 2 years of Tax Returns with all Schedules, you will most likely need to provide personal Tax Returns and Corporation or Partnership
- If Self-Employed you'll need to will need a Year to date Profit and loss statement
- Last 2 Months Statements of your Assets (Bank Statements, IRA, 401K, Life Insurance, Money Market accounts, etc.)
- Child Support or Maintenance Court Order
- Social Security Award Letter and last 2 years 1099
- Social Security Number
- Date of Birth
- Address history for the last two years
If you are refinancing you will need all of the above plus:
- Information for Taxes and Insurance for the homes you own
- Mortgage Statement
If you rent you will need to provide your Landlord's information, phone number and Name.
Also, you will need to know your automobiles make, year and value. Personal Property value and any other assets you may have.
Please take in consideration that every lender will require different things, these are just some or more of the requirements you will be asked for.
Be prepared to pay an application fee. Most institutions charge an Application that varies between $500 - $700 Sometimes that covers for your appraisal and credit report, but not all the times and at times it is Non-Refundable, so ask your lender about the Application Fee.
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